Canvas Support
24 documents
Canvas Support, Faculty Support, Student Support
Finding Past Courses in Canvas
This video demonstrates how to locate past Canvas course sites.
Canvas Support, Student Support
Finding Past Courses in Canvas
This document describes how to locate past course sites in Canvas.
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Lucid & Canvas Quick Start Guide
This document explains how to use Lucid whiteboards and graphing documents within Canvas.
Canvas Support, Student Support
Recording Video in the Canvas Student App
This document explains how to record video submissions using the Canvas Student App.
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Entering and Viewing Grades in Canvas
This document explains how to view and enter grades in Canvas. Quick links at the top of the document provide short cuts to specific information.
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Setting Up a Canvas Gradebook
This document explains how to setting up a Canvas gradebook based on course grading policies.
Canvas Support, Faculty Support
Canvas Maintenance Checklist
This document provides a checklist of best practices to ensure that Canvas course sites work for everyone.