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The Registrar’s Office maintains students’ academic records and is committed to pursuing high quality and efficient services related to enrollment and graduation.

Helpful Information


Enrollment procedures and access to the course schedule


Track degree and course requirements needed for graduation

DegreeWorks FAQ

Frequently asked questions about DegreeWorks

Academic Calendar

Important dates and deadlines for students, staff, and faculty in the academic year

Academic Catalog

Information regarding degree requirements and policy/procedures guiding the University


All procedures related to graduation and preparing for commencement

Annual Commencement Ceremony

Information for students, family, and friends regarding the University’s spring commencement ceremony

Chosen Name

Learn more about chosen name options at UMW

Registrar Forms

The forms you need to complete business with the Registrar’s Office

Transcript and Single Admission Transmittal Requests

Directions for requesting an official transcript or transferring within the Montana University System

Enrollment and Degree Verification

How to request enrollment or degree verification for lenders, employers and other verification services

Grades and Unofficial Transcripts

How to view your grades and unofficial transcripts through DAWGS

Residency Requirement

Guidelines for becoming a Montana resident for tuition purposes

FERPA Information

Your rights to privacy and access in relation to your educational records

Student Consumer Information

Information required to be provided to the student and public based on federal and state guidelines

Contact Information



710 S. Atlantic Street Dillon, Montana 59725




[email protected]

Social Media