May 15, 2019
On April 13, 2019 at the 107th annual Montana Library Association conference held in Helena, Mont., the University of Montana Western’s Lucy Carson Library received the 2019 Excellent Library Service Award from the Montana State Library Commission.
The ELSA recognizes libraries for achieving excellence in serving their communities by exceeding the essential Montana Public Library Standards.
The standards define excellence in thirteen categories, including collection development, information access, policies, planning and evaluation, fiscal management, board accomplishments, continuing education for staff and trustees, and outreach to the community.
“We are pleased to receive this award. The goal of every staff member at the Lucy Carson Library is to exceed established standards in library services. This year, the library staff demonstrated notable success in developing partnerships to enhance services and foster a welcoming studious environment. The staff takes pride in maintaining a library that is among our most valuable campus resources,” said UMW Interim Library Director, Anne Kish.
Forty-four libraries received the ELSA in 2019. “The Montana State Library Commission is pleased to recognize Montana’s excellent libraries with the Excellent Library Service Award,” said Commission Chair Aaron LaFromboise. This is the fourth time Montana Western has won this award.
“Providing excellent library services in Montana during these challenging times is no small thing. These libraries have shown their commitment to serving Montanans. The Commission congratulates ELSA-winning libraries’ trustees, library staff, and communities for their achievement and commitment to excellence.”
For more information on the Excellent Library Service Award, visit the Montana State Library Commission website, or contact Tracy Cook at (406) 444-9816 or email [email protected].