October 26, 2016
University of Montana Western Head Natural Horsemanship Instructor Eric Hoffmann recently announced the inaugural Montana Western Colt Challenge & Sale will take place on April 1, 2017 in Dillon, Mont.
University of Montana Western Head Natural Horsemanship Instructor Eric Hoffmann recently announced the inaugural Montana Western Colt Challenge & Sale will take place on April 1, 2017 in Dillon, Mont.
“Even though the sale is some time off, we want to inform our donors, buyers and supporters that we will no longer be part of the Top of the West Colt Sale and Competition in Bozeman, Mont., and we’re starting our own annual event right here in Dillon,” Hoffmann said. “Our thanks go to Montana State University’s Equine Boosters for inviting us to compete with them the past six years.”
Montana Western’s sales prep class along with Miles Community College will participate in the challenge and sale. The university’s natural horsemanship program receives donated colts from top quarter horse breeders across the region. They are trained from October until the date of the sale. Students train the colts using natural horsemanship techniques and ensure the horses are trained to handle many aspects of ranch work.
For questions regarding the colts and/or event please contact Hoffmann at [email protected] or 406-925-1499.
Montana Western is the only university in the United States offering a four-year natural horsemanship degree. Natural horsemanship majors also have the unique benefit of working with horses on a daily basis at a brand new facility, the Montana Center for Horsemanship, located just minutes from campus.
— Montana Western —