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Montana Western professor attends National Science Foundation workshop

October 21, 2016

Michelle Anderson, professor of biology at the University of Montana Western, is attending a workshop in Baltimore, MD with the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network.

Montana Western professor attends National Science Foundation workshop

Michelle Anderson, professor of biology at the University of Montana Western, is attending a workshop in Baltimore, MD with the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network.

The National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 whose mission includes support for fields of fundamental science and engineering.

The workshop, titled Next Generation Careers: Innovation in Environmental Biology Education, supports workforce development for college graduate career progression into environmental biology, including fields such as ecology, evolution, conservation, plant biology and natural resource management.

“I look forward to bringing ideas back to campus to share with students and colleagues and discussing ways to grow our science and math programs and provide our students with excellent post-grad opportunities,” Anderson said.

Next Generation Careers (NGC) is an incubator projected funded by the National Science Foundation in the undergraduate biology education track of the Research Coordination Network Program.

Anderson, a member of NGC, is attending the workshop with 35 other academics, professionals and industry participants from around the country.

Anderson said she plans to integrate the information she gathers into science career workshops offered to students and faculty late in the fall semester.

A professor at Montana Western since 2009, Anderson’s research explores how ecological and social systems based on marine and freshwater resources respond to natural and human mediated disturbance.

For more information about Next Generation Careers visit

— Montana Western —