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TRIO Accelerator Program Welcomes New Students to Montana Western

August 30, 2023

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) welcomed 30 incoming first-year students to campus for the annual Accelerator Program to kick off the start of the 2023 fall semester.

TRIO programs are federal outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for eligible students. Students qualify for the TRIO program if they are first-generation college students, have a disability, or fall below a certain income level. TRIO helps students overcome economic, social, and academic boundaries to higher education by assisting with basic college requirements and providing students with needed support. 

The fifth annual Accelerator Program allowed new TRIO students to move in two days earlier than most freshmen, giving these students the chance to learn about the expectations of the TRIO program. It also allowed students to meet their TRIO advisors, mentors, pick up their books and locate their classrooms before the first day of classes. This year, the TRIO SSS Accelerator Program ran from Monday, August 21, until Wednesday, August 23.

On Tuesday, students learned the vocabulary of the university and were introduced to all the academic opportunities that UMW offers. This year featured a faculty Q&A as well as a presentation from the Provost and the Registrar about what a college degree is and how academics at a university work. 

On Wednesday, students focused on the academic support available at Montana Western. Students toured the Library and the Learning Center as well as met with Counseling Services and Student Wellness to learn strategies to support their mental health. In a workshop on college economics, students learned how to manage loans and budgets. By the end of the three day program, TRIO students had made new friends and had developed successful strategies to succeed in the upcoming academic year. 

“What I enjoyed about the Accelerator Program is that it was a warm and welcoming experience. The program gives new students opportunities to get a head start on what to expect for the upcoming year as well a chance for students to make new friends and relationships with people on campus,” said sophomore TRIO Mentor, Gracie Stanton. 

The staff and students would like to thank Pioneer Federal Savings and Loan for sponsoring the Accelerator Program and making this opportunity possible.

For more information about the University of Montana Western’s TRIO Student Support Services office and provided services, please visit