January 28, 2021
The University of Montana Western Fine Arts Gallery is proud to host “Que Van a Dar a la Muerte - That Run Empty Into Death” by Kenneth L. Field. The exhibit will be available for viewing in the gallery, located in Main Hall, until Feb. 10, open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
As the University of Montana Western Fine Arts Gallery reopens this spring, they do so under the theme of “The Work Continues.” The featured artists have spent the past year creating new work, reimagining existing work, and expanding the scope and definition of their practice. For all of them, the isolation and turning inward of 2020 has led to the discovery of new ways of making art, and new ways of understanding their own work. All of the featured artists will provide virtual workshops, critique, and feedback to UMW students enrolled in studio classes that correspond with the artist’s primary creative medium.
The current gallery exhibit “Que Van a Dar a la Muerte – That Run Empty Into Death”, is a sound concept piece by composer Kenneth L. Field, presented with sound and space design by Nathaniel H. Freeman. The work incorporates the Spanish-language poetry of Ernesto Cardenal (with English translations by Thomas Merton), and additional poetry by Barbara Kingsolver, all set against a soundscape of found-object recordings and prepared piano. Click here for more information about the exhibit.
Much like the artists whose work will be featured, the UMW Fine Arts Gallery itself has pivoted, finding new ways to present and interact with the art, the artist, and the physical gallery space itself. COVID-19 protocols will be in place, with only two people in the gallery allowed at one time with mask wearing and social distancing required.
For more information, please contact Nathaniel Freeman at 406-683-7059 or [email protected].