IT Services > Technology Purchase Requests
1. The individual needing/wanting the equipment completes the request form.
a. The Custom Purchase section should be completed for those who need new items, such as computers and monitors.
b. The Supplies from Inventory request should be made for items that ITS keeps in stock, such as mice and printer toner.
2. After the request is submitted, it is sent out for approval.
a. For custom purchases, ITS support staff will develop a cost estimate then forward the request to the department head for approval. If the department head approves the request, they need to provide an Index Code to be charged in the comments section of the approval.
b. For purchases from ITS inventory, a request for approval with a cost estimate will go directly to the department head for approval. If the department head approves the request, they need to provide an Index Code to be charged in the comments section of the approval.
3. Once the department head has approved the request, ITS will process the purchase.
a. The requester will be informed about the approval.
b. ITS will contact the requester when the equipment is ready for delivery and/or installation.
c. Business Services will be notified of charges.
4. If a purchase request is denied by the department head, the requester will be notified so that they can speak with their department head and modify the request before resubmission.