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First Annual Spring Career Fair

Dillon, MT, Lewis & Clark Room Mathews Hall 710 S. Atlantic St., Dillon, MT, United States

National, regional and local employers will be on campus to recruit students for post-graduate careers and internships.

Free to UMW Students

Reinventing an Ancient Cattle Culture: How Humans and Livestock can Bring Healing to Western Rangeland

Dillon, MT, Lewis & Clark Room Mathews Hall 710 S. Atlantic St., Dillon, MT, United States

After wolves killed an unprecedented number of their range cattlein one grazing season, Glenn and Caryl Elzinga of Idaho's Pahsimeroi Valley were not only in economic trouble, but also a crisis of confidence as to whether or not public lands grazing should even be a part of their operation. However, after researching historical stockmanship practices, […]


Annual Community Holiday Party

Dillon, MT, Lewis & Clark Room Mathews Hall 710 S. Atlantic St., Dillon, MT, United States

The Students, Faculty and Staff of Montana Western invite Dillon and area communities to the Annual Holiday Celebration! Please join us in the Lewis and Clark room of Mathews Hall for dinner and refreshments. We look forward to seeing you!
