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The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) facilitates a data-driven and evidence-based culture to further student success and continuous improvement throughout the institution. 


To be a leading and trusted resource in a developed data-driven and evidence-based campus culture. 


1. The Story: We believe data goes beyond numbers and charts. It is about people and the life of the University’s past, present, and future. 

2. The Audience: We believe in understanding the unique audiences that make use of data and consider their thoughts in practices and report development.

3. Integrity and Ethics: We align with and support the Associate of Institutional Research’s Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

4. Innovation and Creativity: We embrace innovation and creativity leading to continuous improvement in the office and throughout the campus. 

5. Accuracy, Reliability, and Timeliness: We strive to respond and provide accurate data in a timely and useful manner. 

What we do: 

1. Collaborate with campus stakeholders to foster a culture of data-informed decision making and continual improvement. 

2. Assist with strategic planning, institutional and programmatic accreditation, program reviews and student learning outcome assessment efforts. 

3. Serve as stewards of data and information making sure that data is compliant, accessible, and understandable. 

4. Provide historical and predictive analytics to support the university’s academic and budget assessment, planning, and decision-making activities. 

5. Help establish centralized data management and governance systems that provide accurate and actionable information to the campus. 

6. Prepare and communicate required reports for state, federal, and external agencies. 

7. Administer and analyze campus-wide surveys. 

8. Oversee UMW’s responses to national surveys, questionnaires related to college guides, salaries, rankings, and other non-routine requests for data or information.