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705.3 Drug-Free Workplace

705.3 Drug-Free Workplace

Date Adopted: 08/02/2004
Date Revised:
Date Last Reviewed: 01/16/2024
References:Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
Issuing Office: Administration and Finance
Approved By: Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

  1. Policy

    In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, The University of Montana Western is committed to providing a drug-free workplace. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the workplace or while conducting University business is prohibited.

  2. Purpose

    The purpose of this policy is to provide a safe and healthy environment for UMW employees, students, and visitors.

  3. Procedures

    All employees will be given a copy of this policy. Employees must comply with this policy and notify their immediate supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within five (5) days after such conviction. The supervisor is responsible for notifying the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance immediately upon notice from the employee. The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance is responsible for notifying the appropriate federal granting agency of the conviction when the employee involved is working on a federal grant or contract, within ten days of learning of the conviction.

    Employees who violate this policy will be subject to counseling or to disciplinary action in accordance with personnel policy or collective bargaining agreements if applicable. UMW recognizes that behavioral health problems, which affect work performance, may be correctable through treatment or counseling. The University strongly supports such counseling measures and employees are encouraged to seek such services.

    The University has contracted to provide for employee assistance counseling and referral. The University Wellness Program, along with Human Resource Services, provides periodic awareness training about the effects of drug use and abuse, counsels employees on available assistance under the group insurance plan, and makes confidential referrals to our employee assistance program.

    Student Employees

    It is unlawful for student employees to manufacture, distribute, sell or possess a controlled substance in the workplace. Student employees are notified of this policy when signing their employment document and are subject to disciplinary action just as any other employee. Awareness training about the effects of drug use and abuse is available to students through counseling services at the University.

  4. Authority

    Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988

  5. Responsibility

    Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or delegee, Supervisors, Wellness Director